24/7 phone lines

Community lines to connect immediately & anonymously

Gerstein Crisis Line: 416.929.5200

Distress Centres of Toronto: 416.408.4357

Toronto Rape Crisis Line: 416.597.8808

Assaulted Women’s Helpline: 416.863.0511

Talk4Healing for Indigenous Women: 1.855.554.HEAL

Black Youth Helpline: 1.833.294.8650

Trans Lifeline: 1.877.330.6366

Lesbian, Gay, Bi Trans Youthline: 1.800.268.9688 or 647.694.4275

Connex Addiction, Mental Health, Gambling: 1.866.531.2600.

Good2Talk (for Post-Secondary Student Support): 1.866.925.5454