Clinical Supervision
Guidance & Support.
I work with new and experienced social workers & psychotherapists to shape your practice identity overall, and navigate specific clinical issues you encounter. I meet the CRPO’s qualification requirements for clinical supervisors.
Reflective inquiry
My approach to supervision is experiential and reflexive. To explore clinical questions or themes, I work with you to identify how you experience your clients in a moment of being with them in session, or thinking or talking about them with me. I also pay attention to my own experience of talking about your clients, as I imagine what it could be like for you to be with them (and vice versa).
From relational standpoints (such as interpersonal, intersubjective, RCT), connecting with how we experience our sessions with clients illuminates something of the implicit parts of client stories (as well as our own) and the relational fields that we are creating with our clients. It helps us attune to how historical dynamics, including trauma, power and privilege show up and replicate themselves relationally.
Working with this close attention to experience in relationship makes it possible to notice some of the unspoken ways that traditional, ancestral and cultural knowledges about health and suffering that are important to you and your lineages can show up, or may already be guiding you in your work. It also makes it more possible to notice how these knowledges might be getting missed, silenced or marginalized by normative ideas about psychotherapy, including in our work together.
“The learning process is something you can incite, literally incite, like a riot.”
— Audre Lorde, Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches
Ideal for pre-licensed practitioners (e.g. qualifying RPs) or independent practitioners seeking regular support
Ideal for licensed practitioners who see clients in their own practice, or practitioners at all stages of licensure who have more than one source of supervision.
For graduate students of counselling, psychotherapy or social work (Masters or Doctoral level, depending on your program). 16-30 weeks with a minimum of 1.25 weekly hours of supervision and access to practice labs. This works as a second practicum, either after or alongside the primary practicum of your program, geared toward learning more about particular client issues or therapy modalities
Part of my practicum offerings, and also available to other practitioners. Individual or shared with up to 2 other therapists. Practice different ways of ‘reading’ and responding to moment to moment session micro-processes. Workshop different interventions through role play, instructional video, audio/tape review of sessions (with client consent), and more.